Thread Count.... Is it all that it's made out to be? Or is there more to it?

Thread Count.... Is it all that it's made out to be? Or is there more to it?

I've been regularly meeting people who judge the quality of a sheet purely by it's thread count. I must admit that in the past, I've caught myself doing the same thing whilst shopping on-line! But did you know, that thread count only tells part of the quality story? Read on and I'll explain.......

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Cotton School Uniforms - My School Uniform Dilemma

Cotton School Uniforms - My School Uniform Dilemma

Does your school offer cotton school uniform options?

Cotton is so comfortable to wear. It's naturally absorbent and allows the skin to "breathe". It helps buffer changes in temperature on hot summer days and when kids are playing.

Imagine my dissapointment when I discovered my daughter's school only stocked polyester blend uniforms, except for the hat and one pair of boy's pants!! Read on to find out why I had an issue with this and what I'm doing about it.

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